Transaction Codes

Transaction Codes
Settings > General Ledger > Transaction Codes

Maintains the various divisions of the G/L account# to be used in creating the G/L chart of accounts. Each transaction code works as an alias to provide you with corresponding G/L accounts and objects to charge. The code may be used as a shortened account number or a word of your choice referring to a G/L account number. Use of transaction codes for A/R invoice and receipt entry are activated in A/R Options. A transaction code may also be used to assign a pre-defined split distribution of an invoice amount to two or more accounts and/or funds.

Object Type: All splits are added within an object type. An Object Type to be used for Accounts Payable must be named SPLIT.  Multiple Object Types may be used for Accounts Receivable and may be named anything you like. Object Types are maintained in Settings > Object Tracking > Object Types. A/R Object Types are maintained under Settings > Accounts Receivable > A/R Object Types.

Transaction Code: May be any word or number you wish.

Name: A descriptive name for the transaction code.

Distribution Type: This determines if the split distribution is based on a flat amount or a percent.

Sign: Determines whether the account is debited or credited. This is used only for A/R entry.

Distributions: If there is no split distribution then just add one line.

In this example: Transaction Code Cash is used as a shortcut in AR Receipt entry, which, representing a debit to the G/L cash account. 

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Maintaining Split Transaction Codes

For a percentage split, enter the G/L account numbers and the percentage rate to be applied to each account. This will be the default but can be overridden during entry. Split percentages must total 100%. 

In this example: Transaction Code Electric is used for the list of accounts to be defaulted in invoice entry and the percent distribution of each for an electric invoice. 

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For a flat rate distribution, enter the G/L account# and the flat rate amount (optional) to be distributed to the accounts listed. The split amounts will allow blank in setup, to be entered later in invoice entry.

In this example: Transaction Code Tel is be used for the list of accounts to be defaulted in invoice entry for a telephone invoice.

Graphical user interface, tableDescription automatically generated

For information on using transaction codes and split distributions in entry, see split distribution.

Each division can also have a subdivision depending on the settings in G/L options. A subdivision allows reporting at a summary level for the division. Each division must exist on the table file before a G/L account can be added into the chart of accounts. However, you may add a division on the fly when adding accounts.

Delete: A division should only be deleted if this division is not part of any existing G/L account number.

The account divisions are located on the menu under Settings > Accounts.