Import Setup by Column Name

This is an example of an import that uses the column NAME to pick up the items:

(Options in images may differ based on Import Type)

The connection string is where you define the type of file that you are importing.

To use the column headings to locate the information, the headings must be located in row 1 of the sheet.

Account is defined by specifying the column heading instead of the column count.

Same method applies to the additional items to import.

When using column headings on the import, you are not as restricted in how you can bring the transaction information in to SGA. Below is an example using one of the existing journal entry batches (#7467412). In the original import, the same account, comment and date is repeated on individual rows for each amount. The journal entry has 78 different rows. If we import the total amount per account, comment and date, the number of rows can be reduced to 45. Here is how that setup could look.

This example JE Import is created on your live data so you can review it if you wish.

(Note: I changed the amount from the above sheet to reflect one column so that you could see that setup)

The account tab looks the same.

The Amount Format is set to one column. Here the sign of the amount will determine the debit or credit indication.

The Amount Item is set to ‘Total’ since that was what name was given in the General tab.