Budget Imports

This is for importing budgets from outside systems into SGA.

Name The name that will be displayed as the name of the import.

Connection: See import connections for help with setting up a connection to a file to import.



Reference columns by: See import connections.

Budget amounts stored: Specify if the budget amount columns are stored horizontally (one column for each month) or vertically (one column with an extra column to determine the period).

Create accounts that don’t exist: The budget being imported must be a valid account. If an account doesn’t exist and you wish to create them then check this. All accounts that are added will be marked as active.

True sign: Check this if revenue budgets are negative. If you are budgeting everything as a positive number then leave this unchecked.



Account: The column where the G/L account resides.

Period: The column where the period or month resides. If you do not specify a period then budget will be placed in the first period.

Period format: Defines the format the period is stored in.

Budget(s): The column where the budget amount resides. If amounts are stored horizontally then you must specify the column for every month. If the amounts are stored vertically then specify the one column for the budget.

Comments: This is optional. You can specify the comments column that is unique to the account and budget year.

Importing Specifications

  • Components cannot be imported. Any components that do exist for an account’s budget being imported will be deleted.

  • Blank rows are not allowed.

  • Any cells left blank will be filled in with zeros during the import process.

  • An error log will be displayed with any error that occurs. If an error does occur then you can fix it in the data source, save it again, and re-import.

  • The account must be on the first budget line of a budgeted account. If not, budgeting will be assumed for the last account specified in the rows above.

  • The account must have dashes.

  • If an account is not found, budgets for that account will be skipped.

  • To import specific months, designate these months on the columns tab, leaving the rest blank.(Horizontal setup only)

  • To import comments, leave month totals alone and specify only comments on the columns tab(Horizontal setup only).