
Settings > Accounts Payable > Checkbooks

All payments are assigned to a checkbook. A checkbook designates the G/L cash account, and the check form used when checks are printed.

Checkbook ID: A unique number assigned to the checkbook by the computer.

Description: The description or name of the checkbook.

Active: Check the box if this checkbook is active.

Sort order: Allows you to establish the order active checkbooks will be displayed when processing a payment. Numbers are not required to be sequential, so you may leave spaces between numbers for future new checkbooks. This sort order affects the display only and may be changed at any time.


Country Code: The country code where the bank account is established. This will be compared to the vendors' country code for electronic payments. A warning message will be displayed if a vendor is selected to be paid electronically and the vendor's country is different from the checkbook county.  

Check# length: The maximum length for check numbers.

Max amount for signature: If a number other than zero is specified, the signature on printed checks will not print if the check amount exceeds this amount.

Check number handling: How check numbers are defaulted or forced.

Next check#: The next check number to be printed.

Order checks by: Print checks in order of vendor ID, vendor name, or amount.

Print comments on stub: Determines if comments will be printed on the check stub. If not checked, invoice lines are combined and print only the invoice#, date, and total amount on the stub. An option to print a total invoice amount (if an invoice has multiple lines to print) can be set on the check form.

Cash Accounts: Defines all possible G/L cash accounts for this checkbook. Do not specify the fund. You can check which account to default, if any.

Non-A/P Cash Accounts: This button is available if Settings > Accounts Payable > General Options is set to use G/L Bank Rec. If there are any additional G/L cash accounts, other than those already listed for AP purposes, that should be included when displaying activity for this checkbook for bank rec purposes, add those G/L accounts here. Enter the entire account number string (including fund). Non-A/P cash account/s (entire account number string) listed must be unique to the checkbook.

Bank Information: This information can be printed on check forms. Required only if using blank check forms. If needing more than one address line, use Ctrl+ENTER to move to the next line.


Check form: The format or layout checks will print as. (Maintained in Settings > Accounts Payable > Check Forms)

Bank rec import: The import format for importing a file from the bank to automatically clear checks from this checkbook. (Maintained in Settings > Accounts Payable > Clear Check Imports)

Positive pay format: If using positive pay, choose the format to use. (Maintained in Settings > Accounts Payable > Positive Pay Formats)

EFT format: If transmitting EFT payments for deposit directly to vendors’ bank accounts, select the bank-required format. (Maintained in Settings > Accounts Payable > EFT File Formats)

Auto-generate due to/from entries: This is an optional setting. Click herefor details.