Asset Additions
Records > Objects
Select the Asset Object Type from the Object Type drop-down to filter to specific object accounts.
New: The down arrow to the right of New will display the following three options for an Asset Addition.
Single Object: Displays the entry screen for an Asset Addition.
- Verify the Asset Period is accurate before adding the asset.
- Complete the Division fields.
- Options to Link Invoice, Link to J/E, & Add Attachments are available but not required.
- Complete the Required Asset Custom information (other fields may be required based on individual client setup; the following are system requirements):
- Purchase Month/Year
- Date of Purchase
- Start Depreciation Month/Year
- Purchase Amount
- Depreciation Type
- Years to Depreciate
- Months to Depreciate
- The system calculates the helpful life of an asset as the combination of the Years to Depreciate & Months to Depreciate values (e.g., if an asset is to be depreciated over 5 years, input 5 years; not 5 years and 60 months).
- When all information is complete, click Save.
Clone: This option clones the information from the asset you choose and prefills the information in the entry screen for an Asset Addition; all fields can be modified.
- Verify the Asset Period is accurate before adding the Asset
- Options to Link the Invoice, Link to J/E, & Add Attachments are available but not required
- When all fields have been updated to reflect the new Asset, click Save
Import: Import of Asset Additions
- Please get in touch with to set up the asset import.
All Asset Activity is posted to the GL via Asset Entry Batches.