Settings > Accounts >Funds
Maintains the fund, to be used in creating the G/L chart of accounts. Fund can be 1-7 digits and can have a subdivision depending on the settings in Settings > Accounts > Configuration .
Account Divisions
Account Divisions
Records > Accounts > Select Account > Divisions
Maintains the various divisions of the G/L account# to be used in creating the G/L chart of accounts. Each division can also have a subdivision depending on the se...
Categories Settings > Accounts > Categories
Maintains the account category (or type of account). This position in the account number determines if the account is an asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense. Th...
Transaction Codes
Transaction Codes
Settings > General Ledger > Transaction Codes
Maintains the various divisions of the G/L account# to be used in creating the G/L chart of accounts. Each transaction code works as an alias to provide you with cor...
Split Distribution
Split Distribution
Settings > General Ledger > Transaction Codes > Double Click Transaction Code
On an entry screen, choosing Transaction Code allows you to enter a word (or number) code, as a shortcut, to represent one or mor...
Settings > General Ledger > Sources
These are the available journal entry sources allowed for entry. Adding a source to a journal entry is a good way to categorize various types of journal entries, such as standard entries,...
Audit History
Audit History Records > Choose Category
All screens under Records have an audit icon. Audit history tracks any changes made for specific tables.
Enter the selection you wish to see at the top of the screen,...
Split-Screen View
Split-Screen View Settings > General Ledger > Entry Options
There is an optional view for the purchase order list, journal entry batch detail, and invoice batch detail screens that displays list/batch detail, entry detai...
General Ledger Options
General Ledger Options
Settings > General Ledger > General Options
This contains all high-level settings for the general ledger system. It should be set up before doing anything else in accounting, and it is essential to ke...
Transaction Code Import
Transaction Code Import
Settings > General Ledger > Transaction Codes Imports
Name: The name that will be displayed as the name of the import.
Connector type: See impor...
Approval Table
Approval Table
Settings > Document Approval > Approval Tables
Approval tables specify who approves a document and in what order for a branch. The approval order goes from top to bottom of the table bypassing approvers if the docu...