Post A/P Batch

Post A/P Batch
Daily > A/P Invoice Batch List > Double Click a Batch > Check a Batch > Click Post

An invoice must be posted before it can be paid or viewed in the vendor’s transaction history. Invoices can be posted at any time—immediately, daily, weekly, etc.  You may do a selective post based on a range of periods, invoice date, vendor ID, or vendor type. The selection screen will automatically show the highest and lowest values that are found in the batch being posted. Any invoices not selected for posting will remain unposted.

After an invoice is posted, it can no longer be deleted; it must be voided.  If something needs corrected on a posted invoice, based on user permissions, the invoice can be edited (with exception of G/L account# and amount). 

Corrections to an amount or account# on a posted/not paid invoice:  Option 1--If the amount needs corrected, an additional invoice may be entered (with same Invoice#) for the additional amount (plus or minus). This can be done quickly by cloning the original invoice and entering the appropriate adjustment amount. The same can be done to correct an account#.  Add a new invoice (with same Invoice#) with a minus amount for the original/incorrect account# and a 2nd line with a plus amount for the correct account#.  Be sure to tag all invoice lines when making the payment. Option 2—clone the invoice, make any corrections needed; then void the old/wrong invoice.

Corrections to the G/L account# on a posted invoice: A journal entry can be made with a minus amount to the wrong account# and a plus amount to the correct account#. You may then link this journal entry to the original invoice by clicking the Links button. Select Type Invoice; Title A/P Invoices; click “Add links to many Invoices” and select the invoice/s that this journal entry applies. When browsing the vendor’s transaction history, the linked correcting JE entry can be seen.