Actuals/Budget Multi-Account Entry Screen

Actuals/Budget Multi-Account Entry Screen
Budgets > Actuals / Budget Multi-Account Entry Screen

The multi-account screen displays monthly and annual figures for multiple accounts for individual years: actuals, budgets, forecasts, variances, and formulas. For help specific to budget entry, see Multi-Account budget entry. See the budget overview for the budget process or how to begin budgeting.

The first time the screen is accessed, a menu will be presented, where the user must indicate whether all accessible accounts or only a filtered range of accounts should be displayed. 

Note: The screen will limit the account/budget year combinations to 10,000. For example, all accounts will display if the organization has 5,000 GL accounts and the View selected contains only one budget year column. If there are three budget year columns, however, the user will receive a warning message indicating:
TextDescription automatically generated
Adjusting the account filters or reducing the number of budget years in the View will allow the process to move forward.

Accounts: The accounts/account filter ranges are displayed or budgeted. The number of accounts being displayed is listed below the button.

Current Account: The account is currently highlighted for entry in the grid display.

Save: Records all budget changes. 

Transactions: Shows the actual G/L transactions for the selected year and period. To browse transaction history, click to highlight a month in an actual budget-type column, click the transactions button, or right-click on a month.

Components: Enables the user to enter the details of monthly budget amounts. 

Attachments: This allows saving notes, worksheets, etc., for a specific budget type, year, and account number. If the budget is copied, the changes will not be carried forward until next year.

Undo: Reverts the user’s most recent keystroke.

Refresh: Reloads screen data to most recent saved budget figures.

Worksheet: This worksheet records calculations from the formula menu for the account currently being budgeted. It consolidates all formulas and manual data entry points in one screen display. The user can review all data entered, select the desired column, and click the replace budget button. The column selected will overlay the budget on the budget entry screen. 

Formula: Allows the user to calculate a budget figure using various formulas. The budget year and period being calculated are dependent upon what is selected. See budget formulas for more information.

Graph: Graph displays are context-sensitive, and there are four different types from which to choose:

  1. The first option displays the monthly amounts for the column and row highlighted.
  2. The second shows an actual vs. budget comparison for the column and row highlighted.
  3. The third shows an actual vs. budget comparison for every month in the year selected.
  4. The fourth (Column) will show every period for the column in the year selected.

NOTE: The default graph is a 2D Line graph. However, the system administrator can change this for each user. To change it, ask your system administrator to modify the permissions for your user by going to Users > Permissions > Application General Ledger and changing Actuals/Budgets Graph Type and Actuals/Budgets Graph Dimensions to your preference.

Reports: This allows the user to print, print preview, or download the current screen display. The Generic Report Writer can be used to set up a report of budget component details. Contact SGA for assistance in setting up these custom reports.

Budget Comments: Every budget type has a comment stored right along with it, specific to the year. Click to highlight any month for a budget year to see the comments. If you have the authority to modify budgets, you can also modify the comments.

Budget Audit Trail: Below the budget year’s comment box is a link showing the last modified date/time and the user who changed the account, which is currently highlighted. Click on this link to see details of changes, including old and new values. The audit trail holds any manual changes to the budget; details are not recorded for any global budget changes made by the administration.

Account Comments: These comments are stored for the G/L account, not for any particular budget year. These are the same comments on the account maintenance screen. You must have the authority of Account Maintenance to modify these comments.

YTD (Month): The total actual cost for the selected account through the most recent closed accounting period.

MTD (Month): The actual cost entered in the current accounting period for the selected month.

YTD Current: YTD (Month) and MTD (Month) amounts.

View: This option allows saving various screen presentations of columns to display on this screen. A dropdown arrow allows selecting the view to display. For more info, see Multi-Account views.