Vendor Addresses
Records > Vendors > Search Account > Double Click to Select Vendor
This is the vendor's address and contact information. A vendor can have multiple addresses. When an invoice is entered for a vendor the address ID is also specified, designating where the check will be payable.
Address ID: This allows this vendor to maintain multiple addresses, such as a remittance address, a physical address, etc. You should use PRIMARY as the vendor address to print on the check. The PRIMARY address will be defaulted on the invoice entry screen, but a different address may be selected.
Address: The address information is printed on checks.
Country: The Country in which the vendor resides. Select country codes also provide a dropdown list of valid State/Province codes.
Phone 1 & 2: Used for internal use only.
Fax: Used for internal use only.
Email: Vendor’s email address. You may email a vendor from the Vendors (list) screen, by locating the vendor, right-click, Email Vendor. This email address is also used for email notification of vendor payments via EFT, emailing a purchase order, etc.