G/L Bank Reconciliation

G/L Bank Reconciliation

Month End > Bank Reconciliation

Checking the box, use G/L Bank Rec in Settings > Accounts Payable > General Options, which activates the complete G/L Bank Reconciliation tool.

Note: A requirement in using the G/L Bank Reconciliation is that G/L cash accounts to be included for deposit information must be unique to each checkbook. See Checkbook Setup for more details.

Screen Icons, Display Options/Detail, & Tools

Screen Icons:

Display: Displays transactions in the grid based on the selected display options (see below)

Undo: Reverses the most recent action.

Undo Points: Presents a list of actions by date range and allows multi-selected actions to be reversed.

Import: Initiates the cleared entry bank statement file import process. Imports may be established for cleared checks (all clients) and third-party ACH/CC payments (Pulse clients).

  • Transactions sent to a Payment Processor, which are normally CC and ACH transactions, each have a Payment ID field in Pulse. The payment processor can return this number with a clear date. This information can be imported into the bank rec system from a .csv or Excel file.

Reports: Exports transaction grid information

  • Print: Sends information to the workstation’s default printer.
  • Preview: Opens a .pdf display of the information in a new browser window.
  • Advanced Print: Sends information to the workstation’s default printer, but allows for margins, fonts, and column width adjustments before doing so.
  • Excel Spreadsheet: Exports information to an Excel spreadsheet saved to the user’s downloads folder.
  • Create Bank Rec Reports: Initiates the bank reconciliation finalization process. All cleared transactions are marked as final, exports listing outstanding and cleared items are created, and the user is prompted to save a snapshot, including the attachments.
  • Bank Reconciliation Report: Runs the default detail report specified in Settings > General Ledger > Reporting – Detail Reports, Report: Bank Reconciliation Detail.

Attachments: All files attached to the user’s selected snapshot or system generated, as well as the current reconciled date snapshot.

View: Controls which columns are displayed in the transaction grid and allows the user to specify the order in which they should be displayed. The user may save their selected view for future users by all users, a selected user, or a selected group of users.

Save Snapshot: Saves a snapshot of the user’s current reconcile date work using the selected display options with any applied attachments. Snapshots may be used to historically review which transactions met the specified criteria regardless of their current status.

Save Snapshot/View Snapshots: A list of all previously saved snapshots for any selected GL Mo/Yr. Selecting a snapshot and clicking Display Selected Snapshot will reload the transaction grid using the snapshot’s display options

Mark Cleared as Final: Marks all cleared entries as Final. Final cleared items may be uncleared, but to ensure the action is intended, the system will present a warning message indicating that the entries have been finalized. This is intended to prevent inadvertent unclearing of items included in previously completed reconciliations.

Grid Criteria:

(left section)

Checkbook: the checkbook you are working with. Settings > Accounts Payable > Checkbooks defines the G/L accounts included in each checkbook.

Status: A filter controlling the transactions displayed in the grid.

  • Outstanding for GL Mo/Yr: Transactions outstanding as of the selected GL Mo/Yr.
  • Outstanding and Cleared in GL Mo/Yr: Transactions outstanding as of the selected GL Mo/Yr and those cleared in the GL Mo/Yr.
  • All - from current GL month: All transactions, regardless of status, for the selected GL Mo/Yr being equal to the entry GL Mo/Yr transactions being displayed.
  • All – from all time: All transactions, regardless of status, from the beginning of time through the selected GL Mo/Yr. This option may take time to load based on the potentially large number of transactions being displayed.
  • Cleared – from all time: All cleared transactions from the beginning of time through the selected GL Mo/Yr. This option may take time to load based on the potentially large number of transactions displayed.
  • Voided – from all time: All voided transactions from the beginning of time through the selected GL Mo/Yr. This option may take time to load based on the potentially large number of transactions displayed.

GL Mo/Yr: The GL Mo/Yr is being reconciled.

System Source: A filter controlling the transactions displayed in the grid based on the system origin.

  • AP – All checks/EFTs generated through the AP module.
  • JE – All entries generated through GL entry. While there may be many journal sources they are call considered JE source type.
  • SL – (For Pulse clients) All entries are generated by the Pulse Member Management software system.
    • Cash and Checks are combined and totaled by Deposit Date and Deposit Reference Number. If there is no Deposit Date and Deposit Reference Number Entered, the summary is by G/L date.
    • Credit Cards are totaled by Card Type, Terminal ID, G/L Date, Debits, Credits, and cleared date.
    • ACH transactions are totaled by G/L date, Debits, Credits, and cleared date.

NOTE: Payment Voids, Returns, or Refunds are recorded in their own payment transaction. This means you will see (in the drill down) this type of transaction clearly marked with the transaction type displayed.

  • Payment Processor: Transactions that are sent to the Payment Processor, which are normally credit card and ACH transactions, each have a Payment ID field in SGA Sales. This number can be returned from the Payment Processor with a clear date. This information can be imported into the bank rec system from a .csv or Excel file.
  • AR – All receipts/refunds generated through the AR module

Reconcile Date: The date the reconciliation work is being completed. All transactions physically entered into the system through the reconciliation date will be displayed in the grid. The date should only be changed if/when a daily cash reconciliation is being completed.

Clear date: The date applied when entries are cleared. The default is the first day of the selected GL Mo/Yr, but it may be changed as needed. Note that clear dates for individual entries may be changed at any time by double-clicking into the Clear Date field and updating the date.

Separate Checks: This method orders the transaction grid first by checks in ascending date order and descending date order, then by deposits in ascending date order. Manual sorts may be completed for any column.

Reconciliation Detail:

(middle section)

G/L Balance: The ending G/L balance for accounts associated with the checkbook as of the GL Mo/Yr, including all entries made through the Reconcile date.

+ O/S Checks, Credits: All outstanding checks and credit entries as of the GL Mo/Yr and reconcile date. The hyperlink will open a pop-up displaying the details supporting the total balance.

-  O/S Deposits, Debits: All outstanding deposits and debit entries as of the GL Mo/Yr and reconcile date. The hyperlink will open a pop-up displaying the details supporting the total balance.

= Subtotal: Adjusted ending GL balance as of the Mo/Yr after outstanding checks/credits are added back and outstanding deposits/debits are removed.

+ Adjustments to G/L Balance: Manual adjustments are made to align the subtotal with the bank statement balance. Adjustments should be entered for items not listed in GL.

  • Click New. Enter a positive or negative amount and comment. Then click Save.
  • This is useful for miscellaneous transactions that may be in transit and/or items that happened beyond the reconciliation date and will be entered into the G/L at a later date. 

- Bank Statement Balance: The ending balance for the bank account is listed in the monthly statement.

= Unreconciled Balance: The ending reconciling variance for the GL Mo/Yr resulting from the Subtotal + Adjustments to G/L Balance – the Bank Statement balance.

Clearing Tools:

(right section)

Cleared Checks and Credits: The total of all checks and credits marked as cleared in the GL Mo/Yr. The hyperlink will open a pop-up displaying the details supporting the total balance.

Cleared Deposits and Debits: The total of all deposits and debits marked as cleared in the GL Mo/Yr. The hyperlink will open a pop-up displaying the details supporting the total balance.

Global Clear: A tool to assist with clearing checks in bulk.

  • From Check #: The beginning check number in the range to be cleared.
  • To Check #: The ending check number in the range to be cleared.
    • Cleared: When clicked, it will mark the range entries as cleared and apply the clear date from the display options.
    • Outstanding: When clicked, it will mark the range entries as outstanding and remove the clear date.

Display Future Entries: Click to display entries made beyond the reconciled date and GL Mo/Yr selected. Future entries are highlighted in red. This option will only be available if/when a daily cash reconciliation is being completed.

Advanced Filter: Will override the display options filters and show transactions by check date, clear date, check# range, and/or reconcile date. For example, you can select a range of dates to see all transactions regardless of cleared status.

Binoculars: A long-form description of the display option filters detailing the criteria for transactions displayed in the grid.

Advanced Global Clear: A tool to assist with clearing entries in bulk by row number and/or custom conditions.

Where Row Nbr Between: The beginning and ending row numbers for entries to be marked cleared or as outstanding. Note that the system will perform the action for all row numbers in the range, so the tool should only be used for contiguous row number ranges.

  • Cleared: When clicked, it will mark the range entries as cleared and apply the clear date from the display options.
  • Outstanding: When clicked, it will mark the range entries as outstanding and remove the clear date.

Custom Conditions: Custom conditions to be used for the advanced global clear function.

Grid Display:

Column headers: The columns are listed in order based on the user’s selected View.

  • White filter boxes limit the entries displayed to only those that contain the entered information.

Sort: Columns may be sorted in ascending or descending order, and multiple columns may be sorted in successive order. As additional Sorts are added, the column header will indicate a number representing the column’s order in the Sort hierarchy.

Right-click: Right-clicking on any entry will present a sub-menu for action selection.

  • AP entries:
    • Browse Reference: Opens the AP Payment detail screen for the selected payment.
  • JE entries:
    • Browse Reference: Opens the Transactions for Journal screen for the selected entry.
    • Drilldown to Detail: Opens a transaction detail pop-up displaying all line items for the selected entry and deposit reference.
      • Note that individual line items may be cleared and/or have different cleared dates applied.
      • If individual items are cleared, they are broken out onto a new line in Bank Rec, leaving the remaining uncleared items in the original entry line.
      • Bank Rec combines all entry lines that have the same deposit date and deposit reference into single line items. This is helpful when JEs with multiple line items are entered for bank deposits, and the total of the JE matches the single deposit amount from the bank statement.
  • SL entries:
    • Browse SGA Sales: Opens the Pulse Member Management payments screen, displaying all payments for the selected deposit date.
    • Drilldown to Sales: Opens a Sales Transactions pop-up displaying member details for the selected payment.
      • If there are over/short transactions for a particular shift, you will see these displayed in addition to the other payments for that summary total.
        • A drill down on these transactions will take you to the End of Shift Payment Batches for the deposit, which has the transactions for the Over/Short amounts.
    • You may drill down to the payment details by right clicking one of the payments.
  • Browse Deposit: Opens the Tag Reconciliation Reference screen. This allows the user to assign new deposit references to line items should the overall entry total need to be broken into multiple lines in the grid.