Account Maintenance

Account Maintenance

Settings > Accounts > Funds


Add a Single Account: 

  • Enter each part of the G/L account number (or click the Search icon to select).  The description will be displayed to the right of the each part. If you are adding a new account segment, you may enter the new number and description here.  A new fund must be first added/maintained under Settings > Accounts > Funds. If the fund exists, individual account numbers may be added here.

  • If you wish to change the description of a part/division of the account number, this description will apply to all account numbers. These descriptions are maintained under Settings > Accounts

  • Description: This is the description that is assigned to the full account string. 

  • Active checkbox must be checked to allow entry to this account.

  • Alias: Usually, the name of this G/L account is from a prior system if that needs to be held as a reference.

  • Object:  If using object tracking, the object number is assigned to this account.

  • Report Descriptions: Alternate numbering structure for reporting purposes if the current charge of account structure cannot produce the report. For details, see Report Descriptions

  • Custom Information: Allows you to set up custom fields within each vendor's profile to track things like delivery times, payment terms, or any other specific vendor-related information that is important to your business. 

  • Comments: any type of comments pertaining to this account that might be helpful to staff. For example, a directive for the staff indicating examples of what is charged to this account. These Comments are displayed on the budget entry screen. The Global Account Edit can be used to add/change comments on multiple accounts.

Add Multiple Accounts: Menu options exist to easily add multiple accounts, either by selecting account parts, cloning a selection of accounts, or importing a list of G/L account numbers from a spreadsheet. For details, see Account Multiple Add, Clone Accounts, and Import Accounts.


Edit this account: 

  • An existing account number cannot be changed. Use Merge Accounts instead to move the account to a new number.  

  • To inactivate an account, simply uncheck the Active box. Inactivating an account will not allow any future entry to this account number, but it will include all history in financial reports. Global Account Edit can be used to select multiple accounts to inactivate.


Delete an Account: Click to highlight an account number and click Delete. The system will not allow an account to be deleted if any type of activity exists. 

  • Filter: A setting to temporarily display selected accounts only. See Filter Accounts/Object Ranges.
  • Transactions: See Account Transactions.
  • Actuals/Budgets: See Actuals/Budgets - Accounts.
  • Audit: The system holds an audit trail of any account additions or changes. Operation Insert indicates the account was added. Update indicates changes were made to the account, including old value, new value, and user date/time stamp.