Purchase Order Received Statuses
Purchase Order Received Statuses
Settings > Purchase Order > Received Statuses
Status codes are used to flag P.O. items to mark them as Received, Not Received, etc. Status codes are maintained under Settings > P...
Purchase Order Preferences
Purchase Order Preferences
There are three options to set up for purchase orders:
General Options
Entry Options
Purchase Order Form
The instructions below, which include menu navigation, will help you set up t...
PO Setup Options for Document Approval
PO Setup Options for Document Approval
Use Purchase Order Approval: Activates the use of approvals with Purchase Orders.
Require "Send to Reviewer" comme nt: Optional setting for require comment.
Auto-post o...
Purchase Order Import Setup
Purchase Order Import Setup Settings > Purchase Order > Purchase Order Imports
Purchase Orders can be imported into SGA. However, the import format must be in place before importing data.
Name: The name tha...
Unit Price Codes
Unit Price Codes
Settings > Purchase Order > Unit Price Codes
Unit price codes create a set dollar amount for a code that can then be used in the purchase order import.
The dollar values have an effective...