Assets (Main Browse)
Records > Objects
This is the main way to browse for asset information.
Navigate to Records > Objects & select the Asset Object Type from the Object Type drop-down
New: Displays options for entry of Asset Additions:
- Single Object – Displays the screen for the entry of a new Asset
- Clone – Displays selected object information in the screen for entry of a new Asset
- Import – Allows the import of Assets
- Please get in touch with for Asset import setup
Edit: Allows you to change the Description, Alias, and Active Status of an existing Asset.
Delete: This option allows you to delete a previously added Asset. However, once asset activity has been posted through Asset Entry Batches, it cannot be deleted.
Transactions: Displays Asset Transactions
Audit: Generates audit log for selected Asset
Print: Print or Print Preview the Asset information displayed on the screen
Reports: Options for downloading & / or printing the Asset information displayed on the screen
Search: Determines what to order by and search by.
Advanced Filters: Additional filters are available to limit Assets to be displayed
Status: Select if you wish to see all active or inactive Assets.
View: Allows you to save your settings for which columns are displayed or hidden and in what order columns display.
- To hide or unhide columns, click the customize columns button and check which columns will be displayed.
- To order columns, click the customize columns button and use the Up & Down arrows to rearrange.
You can save a view by clicking the save view button. You must have appropriate permissions to save or delete views.
Rows: Allows you to choose the number of rows you would like displayed
The columns displayed will depend on the selections in the View; the most common View includes the following:
Object: The object number, consisting of the different divisions separated by dashes. The object# structure can be changed in Asset-Object Types
Description: A brief description of the Asset. This is the description you will use when searching by Asset description.
Division Descriptions: Displays the descriptions for each Asset Object division.
Alias: This is an optional field for your reference only to have a separate name or number for the Asset. The Assets can be viewed in that order if an alias is entered.
Active: A checkbox denoting whether the Asset is active. An Asset must be active for entry to be allowed. If an Asset is inactive, all information and history may be browsed; however, entry will not be permitted.
Modify User: The user who last modified the Asset.
Modify Date: The date and time the Asset was last modified.