Account Transactions

Account Transactions

Daily > General Ledger > Account Transactions

Displays transactions for an account with a specified period and date range. The present balance is displayed at the bottom.

Period: The fiscal accounting period the transaction was recorded.

Month/Year: The calendar accounting period the transaction was recorded.

Date: The date the transaction was recorded.

Sum year-end closing entries: If this is an Asset Depreciation Expense account then by default the entries are summarized unless this box is unchecked.

Attachments: Documents associated with the Transaction. Attachments can be added at the time of entry, or later from this screen. Select the 

Edit Object No: If the object tracking function of SGA accounting is used, this will allow you to search for and assign an existing object type and number to the selected transaction.

Object Add: If the fixed asset function of the SGA accounting is used, this will allow you to tag transactions related to asset purchases and take you directly to the new object entry screen to complete the needed items to create the depreciation schedule and add the asset.

Split Invoice: Since payments can only be tagged for an invoice amount, in order to make a partial payment of an invoice, you may split a selected invoice into amount/s of your choice.

This menu option is only available on the Vendor Detail Transactions screen and the Account Transaction screen.

  • Click to highlight the invoice line you want to split; click the Split Invoice button.
  • Enter the amount you wish to split apart from the original amount and the number of invoice lines (items) you wish to create.

The system will recalculate the remaining amount so the result is the requested number of invoice lines for the amount entered, as well as any remaining amount.

Approval Log: Browse the log to see history of events on a specific transaction. 

LinksUser created linkages to other system entries, system screens, and/or custom URLs.

Reports: Allows the user to print, print preview, or download the current screen display. A report of budget component details can be setup using the Generic Report Writer. Contact SGA for assistance in setting up these custom reports.

Sources: Use to filter by a specific or multiple sources to display on screen. 

View: This allows you to save your settings of which columns are displayed or hidden and what order columns show in. To hide or unhide columns, click the customize columns button and check which columns are displayed. You can either click the customize columns button or just drag columns where you want them by dragging the column header to order columns. You can save a view by clicking the save view button. You must be authorized in security to save or delete views. 

Optional Column View items

Comments: A description of the transaction. Comments that are too long will wrap onto the next line.

Amount: The dollar amount of the transaction.

Src: The source type of transaction. These are defined in sources.

G/L Reference: For AP this is the invoice#, for CD the check#, and for RE the reference#.

Vendor ID: The A/P vendor ID or A/R payer ID.

Name: The name of the vendor or payer.

Object Type: If using object tracking.

Object: If using object tracking.

Object Description: If using object tracking.

Batch#: The batch number this transaction was entered into. All transactions are assigned a batch number.

ID: This is the identifier within the main key of whatever the transaction is used for control purposes only.

Modify User: The user who last modified the transaction.

Modify Date/Time: The date and time the transaction was last modified.

Right Click Menus

Browse Reference: Shows all transactions for the G/L reference selected.

Browse Batch: Shows all transactions for the batch selected.

Clone Journal Entry: If a JE, opens the journal entry screen with the selected entry information cloned.

Browse Journal Entry: If a JE, opens the journal entry screen to display the JE detail.

Edit Comments: If a JE, opens the “Edit Comments” box and allows the user to edit the line item comment.

Approval Log: Gives a user the ability to view the approval log for Journal Entries and Invoices on the Account Transaction screen.

Browse Invoice: If an A/P invoice, shows the invoice details.

Browse Payment: If an A/P payment, shows the payment detail.