Bank Reconciliation
Month End > Bank Reconciliation
This is a simplified version of bank reconciliation, which displays only AP payments, both checks and EFTs, and allows you to mark them as cleared, to assist in reconciling cleared checks with your bank statement. Click here for details on a complete G/L bank reconciliation tool.
To begin, select a Checkbook; enter Check Date as from (blank) to (bank statement date). Leave the other selections as defaulted; click Display. This will display all outstanding checks through the check date selected.
A check is outstanding when the Cleared box is not checked. You must enter a clear date on the top right of the screen in order to clear checks. This can be the bank’s clear date or a date of your choice.
Checks may be marked as cleared (or outstanding) in the following ways:
- Click the Clear checkbox for the check# to mark it as cleared; uncheck it to mark it as outstanding.
- Enter a range of from/to check numbers you wish to mark as cleared or outstanding. Then click the Cleared or Outstanding button.
- Import a file from the bank of checks that cleared the bank.
When a check has been marked as cleared, the clear date will also be filled in. You may click the Display button at any time to refresh the screen.
Checkbook: This is the checkbook you are working with.
Status: A filtering option to view all, outstanding, cleared, or voided payments.
As of: This filters using the clear date and the adjustment date (if any) of each check. If status is set to outstanding, this shows checks that were outstanding as of this date, meaning it will show all payments with a clear date after this date as well as all payments with that have not yet been cleared. If status is set to cleared, this shows payments that were cleared as of this date, which will not include payments with a clear date or adjustment date after this date.
Payment Type: Option to view all, all checks, computer checks, manual checks, all EFTs, computer EFTs, or manual EFTs.
View By: Option to view in order of check#, check date, vendor ID, or vendor name.
Check# range: Option to filter a range of check numbers. This is generally used for finding a specific check# to see whether it was cleared or is still outstanding.
Check date range: Filters a range of check dates.
Clear date range: Filters a range of clear dates.
Reconcile Check#:
Clear date: The date for which to mark cleared checks with, used when clearing checks manually as well as when clearing using a check# range.
From/To: Enter a range of check numbers and mark them as returned or outstanding by clicking the appropriate button.
Cleared: If this box is checked, the check is cleared or returned; if unchecked it is outstanding. If this box checked, but greyed out, the entry is outstanding, but has been cleared or voided in a future period.
Check#: Displays the check# or EFT# recorded.
Amount: The amount the payment was written for.
Check Date: The payment date.
Clear Date: If cleared, this is the date it was cleared. When clearing checks, this figure is plugged from the clear date at the top right of the screen.
Name: The vendor name the payment was for.
Vendor ID: The vendor ID the payment was for.
Payment Type: Indicates computer check vs EFT, etc.
Status: Specifies the status of the payment (cleared, outstanding, or voided).
Batch#: The batch# the payment was recorded in the system.
Source: Identifies where the check came from. This should always AP unless imported from another source, such as payroll.
Entry Date: The date the check was entered on.
Import: Allows you to import bank or check reconciliation from a file from the bank.
Reports Click on the drop down arrow to print, preview, or send to Excel the information currently displayed on the screen. If you want a listing of specific checks, change the filters at the top of the screen accordingly, and then click Print drop down arrow to include what is displayed on the screen.
NOTE: A complete bank reconciliation tool, including all activity and deposits that flow through the G/L cash accounts, is available by activating the check box setting in Settings > Accounts Payable > General Options.