Payment Adjustments (Refund and Void)

Payment Adjustments
Activities > Transactions

Always cancel the activity or adjust the sale before processing a refund or void. (Salt, then Pepper!) Adjusting a payment, either by refund or void, does not negate the sale, and the system will attempt to collect payment by creating a new payment plan record. The sale should be canceled or adjusted first, resulting in a credit of the desired refund amount before the refund or void. After the refund or void has been processed, the activity balance should be $0.


  1. Find member.
  2. Click Activities
  3. Click on the row of the activity with the payment to be refunded.
  4. Click Transactions. 
  5. Click Refund for payments made via credit card or Refund via A/P for payments made via cash or check. 
  6. Enter the full or partial refund amount.
  7. If the member cannot receive the refund via credit card (e.g., the card is no longer valid), uncheck the box next to the card before clicking Save and follow your YMCA’s procedures for Refund via A/P. The refund must be issued manually — it cannot be refunded using a different payment method.
  8. Enter Comment.
  9. Click Save.
  10. For a Refund via A/P, follow your YMCA’s procedure for submitting the refund to the Finance Department. Although the refund is reflected in the SGA Pulse system, it will not automatically be issued to the member.

    NOTE: If the payment was already used to fulfill a transfer payment to another activity, the refund must still be completed under the original activity. 

    Before processing the refund:

  • Cancel/adjust the activity to the transfer payment was applied, resulting in a credit balance on that activity.
  • Go to Make Payment and complete a transfer between the two activities to move the credit (a positive amount on the original activity, equal to the negative amount on the activity with the credit).
  • Complete the refund on the original activity.


Payments should only be voided if they did not or should not have happened, such as charging a member by mistake or receipting a payment to the wrong member. Voids of credit card and ACH payments must be completed before the daily merchant processor cut-off. After that, the Void function will not work, and the refund procedure should be followed instead.

  1. Find Member.
  2. Click Activities.
  3. Click on the row of the activity with the payment to be voided.
  4. Click Transactions. 
  5. Click Payment Details.
  6. Click Void.
  7. Enter a comment explaining the void.
  8. Click Yes.