
End of Shift > Edit > Print

Always follow your YMCA's specific procedures.

  1. Click End of Shift
  2. Set the date range to the days being deposited.
  3. Reconcile each batch
    • Count the cash and checks.
    • Click the edit pencil.
    • Compare the total amount entered for each payment method in the drawer to the amount in front of you.
    • Correct the drawer total amount if needed.
    • Record any variances by clicking Over/Short and entering the amount of the shortage or overage.
    • Follow the procedure for VOID if any payments are needed.
    • Enter the deposit date.
    • Enter the deposit reference using 123 MM/DD/YYYY, where 123 is the branch number.
    • Check the Reconciled checkbox next to each payment type.
  4. Print the End of Shift detail report, if needed, to help with step 3 above.
    • Click Reporting > Sign In using your regular SGA credentials.
    • In the SGA Master Reports folder, select the Transactions folder, then the End of Shift report.
    • Click Customize
    • Select Branch and edit the date range to reflect the days that will be deposited.
    • Click Display 
    • Click Reports > Print
  5. Print End of Shift by Deposit Reference report.
    • Follow steps 4a-4f above, but select the End of Shift by Deposit Reference report.
  6. Prepare bank deposit.
  7. Take the deposit to the bank.
  8. Please send the Finance Office a copy of the End of Shift by Deposit Reference report and the bank deposit ticket.